In today's FIRST LEGO League Oregon Update we will cover these items:
- All About the Robot Game
- Advice and Rule Reminders from Head Referee Tom
- Kidobots host Mission to Mars event
- Hood River Library Project Presentation Day
Use this link to read this update as a blog post
Your team will have 1-minute to set up your robot, attachments, and arrange items in the base and on a tray/cart - if you bring one. This is a great time to get sensor readings on the table, run a calibration program, unplug and replug in the gyro sensor. It's also the ONLY time you can ask to have models verified on the table. If the team thinks something looks off, ASK THE REFEREE to fix or check it. Team members should not touch any models outside of base at any time. Coaches touching the table is right-out!
After the setup is complete the referees will confirm that both teams (one on either table) are ready to begin the match. If there is an emcee they may introduce both teams. Then the head referee or emcee will do a countdown: 3, 2, 1, LEGO. On Go (in LEGO) one of the two student "technicians" will activate the autonomous LEGO robot from Base. The rest of the team will stand on the cheering line and the coaches will stand behind the cheering line. Team members may swap out as technicians. The team will attempt to complete as many missions as they have programmed for.
During this time hands shake, nerves are jangled. Things will NOT go as expected. This is normal! If your team has their best mission work the day is a success!!! If they get more points than penalties that's wonderful!
If your team finishes all the missions they can do before the 2.5 minutes ends - woohoo!!! Encourage the team to power off the robot and cheer for the other team while they finish their missions. If your robot is still moving, your robot will be stopped either by your team or the referee as close as possible to when the time is up.
These notes are things which teams should consider in their strategy for the INTO ORBIT Robot Game. Teams are responsible for knowing the Robot Game Rules, and the Challenge Updates.
Disclaimer: Information in these notes are not official rulings.
Robot Game Rule GP5 gives the ranking of rules authority.
Reminders about the Mission Rules (see the Challenge Guide - Page 24):
Each Mission has a description, a section of “Simply Speaking” text, and a section of “Technically Speaking” text.
Referees will only use the information in the “Technically Speaking” text for scoring the results of a match.
Robot Game Rule reminders:
The Robot must be no taller than 12” every time it is Launched from Base.
The Robot must be Completely In base for every Launch.
The 12 inch height limit for the robot applies to every Launch from Base during the entire match.
To avoid an Interruption penalty when the Robot returns to Base, it must be Completely In Base when it is touched - including both the curved boundary line on the mat AND the inside edge of the South and West walls that border Base.
ORTOP rule - For “R13 - Launching”: A program Timer function is not considered a “sensor” for purposes of triggering a Launch.
Missions which are accomplished using a strategically timed Interruption will not be scored as successful.
If the robot has completed all planned missions, R14 allows it to be shut down without an Interruption penalty. The shutdown cannot be used to accomplish a mission.
Mission Notes:
M01 - Space Travel
Payloads do not have to roll all the way to the end of the ramp to score - only as far as the first track connection (see the image in the mission rule). This mission includes the definition of “Independent” which is used in several other missions.
M02 - Solar Panel Array
At a competition match, there are two Solar Panel Arrays on the North wall - one directly North from each team’s Base. The mission rules allow each team to move either Solar Panel (See Challenge Update U04). But teams may not prevent the other team from moving either panel - that could cause an Interference ruling (see Rule R16).
M03 - 3D Printing
Only a Regolith Core Sample (not Gas or Water) may be used in the 3D Printer.
M04 - Crater Crossing
Review the “Technically Speaking” text carefully. Observe what the mission rules say, and what they do not say. Remember that the “Simply Speaking” text is not used for scoring the mission.
M05 - Extraction
The Core Samples are useful for several other missions. Also, see Robot Game Update U02 for additional scoring options.
M06 - Space Station Modules
Modules do not need to be fully inserted into the Habitation Hub, but they must not touch anything except the Hub. Each Module has a specific required location to score points.
M07 - Space Walk Emergency
The loop is not part of the astronaut’s body.
M08 - Aerobic Exercise
The exercise machine mechanism is designed to require careful handling by the robot. The mechanism can easily become jammed. This is as-designed and the Referees will not give a Benefit-of-the-Doubt ruling for this.
M09 - Strength Exercise
The Strength Bar is designed to be difficult to lift, so expect that the mat may lift off the table when you raise the bar. The mat will not be taped to the table in this area.
M10 - Food Production
Read the mission rule carefully - both the position of the green surface and the position of the gray weight are important.
M11 - Escape Velocity
Will we see any methods for this mission besides brute force?
M12 - Satellite Orbits
The satellites have been superglued to expedite repairs and avoid time wasting model damage. Expect some parts not to move anymore.
M13 - Observatory
Read the mission rule, be wary of going past the orange zone.
M14 - Meteoroid Deflection
Meteoroids must start from West of and pass over the Free-Line. The Free Line only extends from the Strength Machine to the Habitation Hub. Meteoroid launches must be positioned carefully. Update U03 says that the Meteoroids cannot be reset by hand.
M15 - Lander Touch-Down
Reminder - the lander is extremely fragile, and Rule R17 - Field Damage applies.
If you have questions about any missions, make sure you read the Challenge Guide. If you are still confused, review the mission using the November Mission Model tag on the FIRST LEGO League Oregon blog.
*This event is not organized by ORTOP
Each team will have 5 minutes to do their presentation AND time for questions and answers on their presentation. This is a great opportunity to see how other teams have prepared for their presentation and learn what their innovative solutions are. It's also a perfect time to do a video and reflect of your team's presentation!
*This event is being run by the Hood River Library with help from ORTOP
Don't forget to have your team tune into the 7-minutes of terror as NASA adds to the active robot missions on Mars this Monday! The broadcast will begin at 10am and the estimated landing will take place around noon.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! We have a lot to do next week, so rest up.
Best Wishes,
If you are new to this email or blog this is the place where you will find all of the OREGON specific FIRST LEGO League information. If you are in the FIRST Dashboard as a team coach of a registered team for INTO ORBIT you will be added to this list every week for the rest of the competition season. Every update this season begins with IO (Into Orbit) and a number, that number lets you know which update it is, if you miss an update you can find it on our blog.
1) All About the Robot Game
The robot game is the public part of your Qualifying Tournament. At your event, there will be a pair of FIRST LEGO League tables that have been fastened together. Two teams will compete at a time and the solar panels will be shared models between the two tables. Coaches should stay behind the team with their pompoms in their hands or their hands in their pockets. The only sounds a coach should make are words of encouragement, team cheers, and whoops of joy. Coaches should not speak to any adult during this time, and should not instruct the team.
Arriving at the Table
Whether your team is brought to the arena by a queuer or your team arrives before their scheduled time (please pay attention to which method your tournament is using), your team will have a stop to make before they get to the competition table. Before your team goes to the competition table your robot will be checked by a referee. Be prepared to answer and show them:
- How many motors you have with you. (on the robot and your attachments)
- They will verify your team number
- They will verify that the Bluetooth and wifi are OFF on your robot (so your robot will need to turn on.)
- They will ask you and verify that all of the parts on your robot are made by LEGO (including strings, wires, and rubber bands)

Setting up for Competition
Your team will have 1-minute to set up your robot, attachments, and arrange items in the base and on a tray/cart - if you bring one. This is a great time to get sensor readings on the table, run a calibration program, unplug and replug in the gyro sensor. It's also the ONLY time you can ask to have models verified on the table. If the team thinks something looks off, ASK THE REFEREE to fix or check it. Team members should not touch any models outside of base at any time. Coaches touching the table is right-out!
2.5 Minutes of Terror

During this time hands shake, nerves are jangled. Things will NOT go as expected. This is normal! If your team has their best mission work the day is a success!!! If they get more points than penalties that's wonderful!
If your team finishes all the missions they can do before the 2.5 minutes ends - woohoo!!! Encourage the team to power off the robot and cheer for the other team while they finish their missions. If your robot is still moving, your robot will be stopped either by your team or the referee as close as possible to when the time is up.
After the Buzzer
IMPORTANT!!! - Do NOT touch ANYTHING on the table! Do NOT move your robot! The referee will record the state of the table on the scoring sheet EXACTLY as it appears at the end of the match. As long as your robot is stopped you do not need to do anything at the table. At least one team member should watch the referee score the table. Another team member should get the team scoresheet and do the same. Together with your referee, the team members should verify the scoring process. If you have a disagreement with a ruling, it MUST be solved BEFORE your table is reset. Your team is welcome to ask the head referee for help if they need more understanding.

Once the team and the referee agree on the complete missions one team member will sign the scoresheet. After the scoresheet is signed it can no longer be contested! The referee will NOT give you a score (in points). That will be posted by the scorekeeper within a few matches. Some tournaments will have an electronic display, others may use a whiteboard or sticky notes on a wall. Make sure you know where the scores will be displayed.
Have a great tournament! Remember a team has completed the season if they have 1 program that works most of the time, 1 program that works sometimes, and 1 program they finish at the tournament using the practice tables.

Once the team and the referee agree on the complete missions one team member will sign the scoresheet. After the scoresheet is signed it can no longer be contested! The referee will NOT give you a score (in points). That will be posted by the scorekeeper within a few matches. Some tournaments will have an electronic display, others may use a whiteboard or sticky notes on a wall. Make sure you know where the scores will be displayed.
Have a great tournament! Remember a team has completed the season if they have 1 program that works most of the time, 1 program that works sometimes, and 1 program they finish at the tournament using the practice tables.
2) Advice and Rule Reminders from Head Referee Tom
Greetings Teams!These notes are things which teams should consider in their strategy for the INTO ORBIT Robot Game. Teams are responsible for knowing the Robot Game Rules, and the Challenge Updates.
Disclaimer: Information in these notes are not official rulings.
Robot Game Rule GP5 gives the ranking of rules authority.
Reminders about the Mission Rules (see the Challenge Guide - Page 24):
Each Mission has a description, a section of “Simply Speaking” text, and a section of “Technically Speaking” text.
Referees will only use the information in the “Technically Speaking” text for scoring the results of a match.
Robot Game Rule reminders:
The Robot must be no taller than 12” every time it is Launched from Base.
The Robot must be Completely In base for every Launch.
The 12 inch height limit for the robot applies to every Launch from Base during the entire match.
To avoid an Interruption penalty when the Robot returns to Base, it must be Completely In Base when it is touched - including both the curved boundary line on the mat AND the inside edge of the South and West walls that border Base.
ORTOP rule - For “R13 - Launching”: A program Timer function is not considered a “sensor” for purposes of triggering a Launch.
Missions which are accomplished using a strategically timed Interruption will not be scored as successful.
If the robot has completed all planned missions, R14 allows it to be shut down without an Interruption penalty. The shutdown cannot be used to accomplish a mission.
Mission Notes:
M01 - Space Travel
Payloads do not have to roll all the way to the end of the ramp to score - only as far as the first track connection (see the image in the mission rule). This mission includes the definition of “Independent” which is used in several other missions.
M02 - Solar Panel Array
At a competition match, there are two Solar Panel Arrays on the North wall - one directly North from each team’s Base. The mission rules allow each team to move either Solar Panel (See Challenge Update U04). But teams may not prevent the other team from moving either panel - that could cause an Interference ruling (see Rule R16).
M03 - 3D Printing
Only a Regolith Core Sample (not Gas or Water) may be used in the 3D Printer.
M04 - Crater Crossing
Review the “Technically Speaking” text carefully. Observe what the mission rules say, and what they do not say. Remember that the “Simply Speaking” text is not used for scoring the mission.
M05 - Extraction
The Core Samples are useful for several other missions. Also, see Robot Game Update U02 for additional scoring options.
M06 - Space Station Modules
Modules do not need to be fully inserted into the Habitation Hub, but they must not touch anything except the Hub. Each Module has a specific required location to score points.
M07 - Space Walk Emergency
The loop is not part of the astronaut’s body.
M08 - Aerobic Exercise
The exercise machine mechanism is designed to require careful handling by the robot. The mechanism can easily become jammed. This is as-designed and the Referees will not give a Benefit-of-the-Doubt ruling for this.
M09 - Strength Exercise
The Strength Bar is designed to be difficult to lift, so expect that the mat may lift off the table when you raise the bar. The mat will not be taped to the table in this area.
M10 - Food Production
Read the mission rule carefully - both the position of the green surface and the position of the gray weight are important.
M11 - Escape Velocity
Will we see any methods for this mission besides brute force?
M12 - Satellite Orbits
The satellites have been superglued to expedite repairs and avoid time wasting model damage. Expect some parts not to move anymore.
M13 - Observatory
Read the mission rule, be wary of going past the orange zone.
M14 - Meteoroid Deflection
Meteoroids must start from West of and pass over the Free-Line. The Free Line only extends from the Strength Machine to the Habitation Hub. Meteoroid launches must be positioned carefully. Update U03 says that the Meteoroids cannot be reset by hand.
M15 - Lander Touch-Down
Reminder - the lander is extremely fragile, and Rule R17 - Field Damage applies.
If you have questions about any missions, make sure you read the Challenge Guide. If you are still confused, review the mission using the November Mission Model tag on the FIRST LEGO League Oregon blog.
3) Kidobots Host Mission to Mars Event
Tuesday, November 27 from 6:30-8:00 come here Daniel Tilson from Space Camp Adventures speak about Mission to Mars and have the opportunity to share about FIRST LEGO League! This event is free and open to the public of all ages!
*This event is not organized by ORTOP
4) Hood River Library Project Presentation Day
Hood River Library is honored to host their first ever FIRST LEGO League Project Presentation Day. If you live in or near Hood River, we hope your team can share their Project Presentation on Saturday, December 1 starting at 2pm. To sign up please contact Arwen at or call 541-387-7060.Each team will have 5 minutes to do their presentation AND time for questions and answers on their presentation. This is a great opportunity to see how other teams have prepared for their presentation and learn what their innovative solutions are. It's also a perfect time to do a video and reflect of your team's presentation!
*This event is being run by the Hood River Library with help from ORTOP
Don't forget to have your team tune into the 7-minutes of terror as NASA adds to the active robot missions on Mars this Monday! The broadcast will begin at 10am and the estimated landing will take place around noon.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! We have a lot to do next week, so rest up.
Best Wishes,
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