The Oregon FIRST LEGO League region will close for the HYDRO DYNAMICS competitive season tomorrow morning! Is your team ready? Check your team's current status using our handy Google Sheet!
- If your team does not appear at all - you are NOT Nationally registered as of the time of the last update. Please login to FIRST and pay your $225 National Registration (make sure you order the HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge Kit if you do not have acces sto one!)
- If your team does not have two green yeses you are NOT fully registered to attend a qualifying tournament.
- Missing the first yes? Complete the application to attend an event in Oregon.
- Missing the second yes? Submit your qualifying tournament payment.
- Please check the Google Sheet to make sure your team name and affiliation are correct WE WILL NOT UPDATE USING THE FIRST SYSTEM! Directions to correct spelling errors will come out in this week's update! Please do NOT send them by email.
You do not need to have a complete team roster to register for your qualifying tournament! Please complete the application for each team who will be attending a tournament now.

If your team has two green yeses you are done for today. Give yourself 5 coach points (redeemable in smiles from your team at the qualifying tournament).
You can skip the rest of this email/blog.
If none of this makes sense and you have a team that you are working with right now. Let me help!
What is National Registration?Your team must be nationally registered with FIRST in Manchester NH to be eligible to participate in the current FIRST LEGO League season. This is done from your DASHBOARD on
I was trying to register for an event, but I can't find it on the DASHBOARD? Understandable, Oregon does NOT use the FIRST system for tournament registration because we welcome our teams to choose their event and we use this opportunity to get the information we need to run events and talk with sponsors. To apply for an event you must use the link on the OREGON WEBSITE:
Didn't I already pay for this? The National Registration and the Oregon Qualifying Tournament Registration/Application Fee are not the same things. National Registration is paid to FIRST in Manchester NH and goes to the creation of the FIRST LEGO League program. That money does not cover the program costs for Oregon. ORTOP Sponsors cover many of the program's costs, and some sponsors are ready to help teams who are financially unable to pay the full registration cost. Oregon fees go to make the Oregon program and events possible.
I received a Team Support Award, but I don't know the number. The number can be found on the back of the award above the box where you are told what is covered in your award. Still don't see it? It was also on the email subject line that accompanied your letter.
I'm not going to be ready today/my coach is out of town - Take a deep breath, I have some extensions (not many) that we can use. Email or call ORTOP before 5:30 today. Please provide your team number (if you have one) and explain what's happening. I don't want any team to miss out!
I have other questions! Please email I'm doing my best to help as many of you as I can through this process!
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