- Using the Electronic Student Registration System
- Using Paper Forms
- Printing your REQUIRED Team Roster
- What About Chaperones?
1) Using the Electronic Student Registration System
Coaches you may invite each parent to the FIRST system to add their child to your team roster. Coaches do this from the FIRST Dashboard, by logging in to www.firstinspires.org.
Parents may complete the electronic student information system by a link in that email or they can simply go to the FIRST website: www.firstinspires.org Even if parents are not invited by coaches they can easily use the electronic system for their child.
- Parents need to go to www.firstinspires.org (or use the link in their email from their coach)
- Parents who used the electronic form last year, volunteer for FIRST, or otherwise have made an account with FIRST use the login option in the upper right corner.
- Parents who have never used the FIRST website before use sign-up in the upper right corner and create an account for themselves.
- On the Dashboard - Make sure you see a - next to I Want To (if it is a + click the +)
- Select Complete Youth Member Registration from the bottom middle option box (2nd to last option on a mobile device).
- Update your information for any children you had in the system last year who are participating this year, or Select Add Youth from the bottom of the screen.
- After you have created or updated your child's profile and school information Select Apply to FLL Team
- Enter your team number (2-5 digits provided by your coach or student). As you enter your team number make sure the information that appears is correct before you select apply.
- Before you go anywhere, Sign the electronic Consent Form!
Coaches: You must accept the students to your team before they will show up on your roster. You can do this from the Dashboard!
2) Using Paper Forms
Paper forms are great for students whose parents don't have an email address or whose first language is not English. Paper forms are REQUIRED for team members who were not 9-years-old prior to January 1, 2016. Each team member must have their own form COMPLETELY filled out by their parent or legal guardian. Even if team members are twins, each is required to have a complete form!
The completed form which includes information about the student AND a signed consent form must be stapled to the back of the back of the team roster and the student's name added in pen to the team roster. Please try to be legible, it helps our volunteers.
If you are printing the forms for your parents, you may duplex page 2 & 3 of the above links and make sure they fill out both sides. The instruction page does not need to be turned in at the event, but can be helpful for your parents.
3) Printing your REQUIRED Team Roster
Whether your team uses paper forms OR electronic, you MUST print your Team Roster to bring to the tournament. This can only be done by Lead Coach 1 or Lead Coach 2. This can not be done by a Mentor, School Contact, or Team Admin.
Whether your team uses paper forms OR electronic, you MUST print your Team Roster to bring to the tournament. This can only be done by Lead Coach 1 or Lead Coach 2. This can not be done by a Mentor, School Contact, or Team Admin.
- Login at www.firstinspires.org
- Go to Manage Team Contacts and accept all the youth who are on the team.
- Once all coaches/mentors and all team members that are using the online/electronic consent have completed their part, Print the Roster
- Hand write any team members or Chaperones who are using paper forms onto the team roster
- Staple all paper forms (both pages) to the back of the roster. It helps our volunteers if they are in the order the names appear on the roster.
Known bugs: Some regions report better success with printing to a pdf rather than straight to the printer. On Windows 10 computers using Firefox the system has difficulting printing and printing to PDF. If you can not print your roster please email your tournament director AND Loridee.
4) What About Chaperones?
Your team needs to have at least 2 adults with the team members at all times during the event. If your team has more than 6 members they may have an additional chaperone. These adults need to appear on the roster, or they can not have access to the pit area. The easiest way to get them on the roster is to invite them as Mentors from your Dashboard.
If they do not have an email address they may use the paper volunteer consent forms. If they use the paper form their name must be hand-written on the team roster and the consent form stapled to the back.
These forms will be needed again at the State Championship if your team is one of the 27% of teams who advance in December! We highly recommend photocopying any paper forms used so they do not need to be collected again.
Best Wishes,
Your team needs to have at least 2 adults with the team members at all times during the event. If your team has more than 6 members they may have an additional chaperone. These adults need to appear on the roster, or they can not have access to the pit area. The easiest way to get them on the roster is to invite them as Mentors from your Dashboard.
If they do not have an email address they may use the paper volunteer consent forms. If they use the paper form their name must be hand-written on the team roster and the consent form stapled to the back.
These forms will be needed again at the State Championship if your team is one of the 27% of teams who advance in December! We highly recommend photocopying any paper forms used so they do not need to be collected again.
Best Wishes,
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